
Monday, May 13, 2013

I jumped on the bus with Message to Venus!

To start, I'd like to apologize to the guys in the band for taking so long to post this on my blog. I have absolutely zero valid reasons for missing this post weeks ago!!!

So, without further ado, making their return to this very blog, I give to you, my faithful readers, once again, MESSAGE TO VENUS!!!!!

In case you haven't figured out yet, one of my absolute favorite things to do is to get behind my favorite indie artists with pledge campaigns. Message to Venus is definitely one of my favorite indie bands, so it was a given that I would pledge to their IndieGoGo campaign.

Already #1 on the rock/hard rock/alternative rock charts for Miami, Florida, USA on ReverbNation, the band is about to embark on a 33 city summer tour with Dead Fish Handshake. If I'm not mistaken, this is going to be their first somewhat nationwide tour in the US (if I'm wrong guys, please correct me), but they do need to help of all of their Messengers!

"Who wouldn't love to be a Rockstar?

You've got your shiny, new tourbus to roll into town on while your day is filled with radio appearances, magazine and news story interviews and then topped off with a sold-out show that night!

The truth is; only about 3% of working bands ever get to that level. The normal day-to-day of a working musician is to cram into a semi-working van with three others and cross your fingers that nothing breaks down and that you have enough money for gas to reach the next town where the gig, still unconfirmed as yet, only promises a crowd of bartenders and waitresses.

In short, life in a band ain't no picnic 24/7. We're lucky if we make enough to eat dinner every night, let alone pay for gas and necessities to stay on the road."

That is directly from their IndieGoGo campaign page, and I think it effectively sums up what they need our help with! Luckily for them, this is a flexible funding campaign, which means that whatever funds they manage to have donated will be available for their use once the campaign itself ends. But we need to do out part to give back to the band to make sure that this tour is a success for them! It's time for the rest of the country to find out exactly who Message to Venus is and why we support them the way that we do!!!

Please, don't sell the band short and assume that someone else will contribute enough so that you don't have to. They have already given so much to their fans that it's only right that we support them in this endeavor. It seems like a no-brainer that they would be successful in getting the funding they need... what, with nearly 75,000 followers on Twitter and over 33,000 "likes" on Facebook, if everyone donated just $1 to the campaign the possibilities for the success they could have on just this tour would be endless!

Pledge to the campaign today and share the links with your friends and family. LET'S GET THIS DONE!!!

Jump on the bus with Message to Venus

Follow Message to Venus on Twitter

Like Message to Venus on Facebook

Message to Venus on ReverbNation

Follow Message to Venus on SoundCloud

Pick up the Message to Venus debut EP The Envelope on iTunes

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

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