
Saturday, November 24, 2012

New album on the horizon from David Geftakys!

Hello, hello!

I'm posting this blog now because it's driving me crazy that we are soooo close to the release of the highly anticipated album from our friend David Geftakys! In just over 12 days from now, I will be sharing with you what all of us on TeamDG have been waiting for... what is certain to be one of the greatest indie albums ever recorded!!!

David, I couldn't be more excited for you! I'm hoping that this album springboards your career to the heights that all of us on TeamDG know you are capable and deserving of.

To those of you who haven't joined TeamDG yet, there's no time like the present (read: JOIN NOW!) to come along with us on this amazing journey with one of the most insanely talented indie artists out there!

Head over to David's webpage to join the official countdown:

Follow David Geftakys on Twitter and Like David Geftakys on Facebook for updates as we draw closer to the release of The Games We Play!!!!!

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Canadian rock n roll from Kingdom of Few

You didn't really think the music was gonna stop there did you?

Making their long overdue appearance on this blog is Kingdom of Few.

Hailing from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Kingdom of Few is Curtis Butala on vocals, Alex Parks on bass, Reno Serani on guitar and John Clark on drums. Combine huge, stadium ready guitar riffs with hard pounding bass and drum beats and some of the baddest ass vocals this side of the 80's and you've got what rock radio is starving for today.

In case you were wondering what happened to original rock n roll, it's right here:

As is customary, I will not do this band the injustice of comparing them to any other band, past or present. I will gladly take them over any band on mainstream radio today and give them their chance to make their mark on music. I guarantee you it'll be one helluva mark!

The essential Kingdom of Few links: 

Like Kingdom of Few on Facebook 

Follow Kingdom of Few on Twitter 

Kingdom of Few on SoundCloud 

Kingdom of Few ReverbNation page 

Kingdom of Few YouTube channel 

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Song of the day for 11/19/12: Straight Girls by When Particles Collide

So I Tweeted a little while ago that my daughters recorded the American Music Awards and were torturing me by making me watch it with them. That lasted up until the point when that Nicki Min-whatever-the-hell-her-name-is won some award and started talking. As if her music wasn't shitty enough, she had to open her mouth and prove me right.

So off to the solace of my iPod I went, and what saved my ears, along with my sanity? Sasha and Chris, aka When Particle Collide, that's who! Sure as hell am glad I have these two to fall back on! In this season of thanks, I give thanks to them!!!

Now lemme share Straight Girls with you! Enjoy :)

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rock n Roll brought to you by... You vs Me!

Hello everybody on the world wide web! Welcome again to my blog. Anyone ready for an artist feature? I thought you might be.... where should we venture off to tonight? I know. Let's see what our neighbors to the north have for us to check out.

You vs Me! hails from Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada. Band members Chris P, Mykle, Curly & Dave Q. Pyle bring an edge to rock n roll sorely missing from the mainstream.


Is an understatement when it comes to describing their sound.

You vs Me! is also one of the most fan friendly bands out there. And THAT says a lot when it comes to talking about indie artists and their interactions with their fans.

I apologize for being a blogger of not many words this time around. With music this damn good, words are sometimes hard to come by. Sometimes, it's best to just let the music do the talking for me!

The essential You vs Me! links:

You vs Me! official website 

Like You vs Me! on Facebook 

Follow You vs Me! on Twitter 

Subscribe to the You vs Me! Bandtube page on YouTube 

You vs Me! on ReverbNation 

Before I go, I will say this. As it's so often repeated within the confines of this blog, mainstream radio around the world is broken (thank you for the enduring quote David Gielan!). Record execs today are just like any other execs in corporate America (and all over the world). The bottom line is their bottom line. Line their pockets and shove the worst music out there today down the earholes of every tween that drives the radio plays and jacks up the record sales of soooo many not so talented acts. Notice I didn't refer to them as artists? We need someone to fix mainstream music so that future generations aren't stuck with classics derived from today's airwaves.

When my time is drawing near, I'm going to bury my own time capsule. And in that time capsule is going to be every song ever recorded by You vs Me! (along with many others of course) to show future generations that once upon a time, there was actually some bad ass music out there!

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Song of the day for 11/12/2012

Hello out there! It's been a while since I've posted a song of the day. Let's rectify that, shall we?

What do you get when you mix traditional country with a little bit of alternative rock? You get the Mallett Brothers Band! Check out one of Maine's hottest indie acts and give a listen to Last Man Standing.

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Catching up with In Air

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I needed to take a step back from the blog and from social networking in general to recharge my batteries, so to speak... but I'm back now, and couldn't be more excited about this post!

If you've been following me on this journey, you know the purpose of this blog is to do whatever I can to help independent artists get their music heard. You also know that I am unashamed of showing favoritism. I don't necessarily do this on purpose, it's just that there are several indie artists that I tend to favor over the rest. THAT is just a product of me being a fan first and foremost. No offense to any other indie artist that has yet to make an appearance on this blog- YOUR time is coming, I promise!

That being said, we're checking back in tonight with one of my original favorite independent artists, In Air (formerly Nobody Gets Killed). I have been given the extreme honor by the guys in the band of getting an advanced preview of their upcoming EP. I'm not going to get into tooooo much detail at this point because I need time to find the words to properly give them credit for what I've heard so far. When the guys changed the name of the band to In Air to better reflect the direction their music was taking them, I for one had no idea that to expect from them. All I can tell you at this point is that to say that change is good doesn't even begin to touch the tip of this iceberg. I am completely blown away by what the guys have shared with me so far. I only hope that when the full EP is released and is shared with you on this very blog that the words won't escape me!

In the meantime, enjoy Blind and Naked by In Air. I CAN NOT WAIT TO SHARE THE NEW EP WITH ALL OF YOU!!!!

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.