I discovered a few nights ago what it is about indie music that I truly love. For the past few years, I thought it was just the break from the mainstream that I'd been taking, allowing myself to be moved by the last of the real artists in the world of music. Friday night affirmed that for me.
What I want for you, my faithful followers and lovers of all things indie, to do is buckle up, crank up the volume, and get ready to discover with me the offerings of People Skills!
So, the way this went down this past Friday night was this... My buddy and I were sitting in Slainte Wine Bar and Lounge in downtown Portland, Maine, waiting for When Particle Collide to start their set. First up was a band who I apologize to for forgetting their name, then up comes People Skills. I'm not going to lie to you. I had seen these three lingering around the place leading up to their set, and I'm sure this won't be the last time this happens- I mistook them for just random folks there to hear some local bands playing. Next thing I know, I see them setting up for their set, and 10 minutes later I was completely floored by what I was hearing!
Exeter, New Hampshire is responsible for giving us Chelsea Paolini, guitar/vocals, Greg Baldi, bass and Andrew Paolini, drums. I now love Exeter, New Hampshire. Call this rock. Call this some form of psychedelia. You can even throw in some vague pop reference to their sound. Whatever you want to call them, People Skills will gladly take it, wrap it up in nice rock n roll package, and slap you right up side the head with one of the most original sounds your earholes have ever heard. Once you recover, you'll be begging for more!
The indie music scene in the New England states is jumping these days. People Skills prove they have the chops to carry a large portion of it on their backs. I'm looking forward to seeing more of them down the road and looking even more forward to what they bring to the table next! And I'm sure all of the tree huggers out there will be glad to hear that I'll be putting more miles on my gas hog of an SUV traveling to and fro to see more People Skills shows!
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