
Monday, July 22, 2013

Suzi Oravec

I am of the firm belief that there are not enough credible female voices in music today. Period. Sure, you've got your handful of mainstream powerhouse's, but when it comes to every other female singer, whether it be an individual or female fronted band, there's a severe drop-off. Tonight, we're going to help right this wrong by introducing you to one of the purest voices I've had the pleasure of having grace my iPod in quite some time.

Allow me to introduce you, my faithful readers and fellow lovers of all things indie, to Cleveland, Ohio's very own Suzi Oravec!

Several weeks back, I downloaded Suzi's 2011 debut album Love and Lies and was hooked about 10 seconds into the first song, Let Our Love Burn. Love and Lies is a fresh upgrade for a tired formula that's replayed countless times on today's mainstream radio. 

But wait, there's more...

Just when I though Ms. Oravec was all about pop music, out comes her latest EP...

And all of a sudden, there's this country music songstress delighting my earholes!

Somewhere between pop, rock, folk and country music, Suzi Oravec has found this happy musical medium that has been bringing sheer delight into my house for a few weeks. My two pre-teen daughters can't get enough of her, and my wife has even jumped on the bandwagon (never saw THAT coming!).

Raw emotion, hauntingly melodic voice, intelligent lyrics and looks that kill, Suzi Oravec is the complete package!

Official Suzi Oravec website

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Suzi Oravec on ReverbNation

Subscribe to the Suzi Oravec YouTube channel

Download Love and Lies on iTunes

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