
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Taking a break...

It is with heartfelt regret that I post this today. I've decided to step away from the blog for a while. This is something that I've been doing a lot of soul searching over the course of the past year. Regular readers and those who follow me on Twitter have seen the obvious downturn in the number of posts here on MY Indie Music Blog. A funny thing called life seems to have gotten in the way of my best intentions with this blog. What started out as being a bit more "selective" with the artists that I chose to feature has turned into I just don't have the time to commit myself 110% to what I started nearly four years ago. As my daughters get older, I find that I have less and less time to think about the content that I want to present to you. I have never stopped listening to the music and I never will. I have never stopped supporting independent artists and I never will. I have recently signed on with the Indie Music Coalition to be a content contributor for their online monthly music magazine. That will be the one avenue that I have to post about the music that I am so passionate about. It will also allow me to be more selective with the content because I've got one shot per month to get it out to you.

That being said, please continue to seek me out on Twitter, as well as those of you who I am friends with on Facebook. If any of you would like to connect with me there as well, send me a friend request (search for Carlos Gnipp... I'm pretty easy to find there!). And I WILL continue to support independent artists on my Twitter feed, so please continue to search me out there as well (@cgnipp).

Until we meet again here at MY Indie Music Blog, please, please, please continue to support independent artists. Give indie music a chance!


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  2. If you're located in the NYC or tri-state area please be sure to register for Magnet Unplugged the revolutionary new indie artist showcase competition that will be taking place APRIL 10TH, aired live via Periscope & Ustream then later added to the official Magnet Unplugged VEVOtv channel. prizes include articles in some the biggest online hip hop publications such as Thisis50, Daily Grind, You Heard That New as well as MANY others! $100 will secure you a guaranteed performance slot!!! click the link for more details or to register yourself or another artist today!
