
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Natalie Gelman Kickstarter campaign

How is everyone tonight? Just stopping in the make sure you are all aware of a new Kickstarter campaign out there that I'm going to promote the hell out of.

New York City native Natalie Gelman is a indie singe/songwriter who has started up a very worthy Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to help with radio promo for her new EP, The Streetlamp Musician.

I've been a fan of Ms. Gelman's for some time now. I am the proud owner of her self-titled debut album and I am extremely excited about her upcoming EP release.

Natalie has been featured on this blog before, in my "Women of Indie Music" post as well as my 2012 year-end post on my year of indie music discovery.

This is a great way for you to help her get her music out to the masses. Please take a moment to watch her Kickstarter video and see for yourself why I'm putting my money where Natalie's music is! And while you're at it, head over to her website and pre-order her new EP... you can thank me later!

The Streetlamp Musician Radio Campaign

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

New music from Lit on the Flash!

Good Tuesday morning everyone!

Just stopping in real quick to let you know that there is new music from my favorite band of all-time, Lit on the Flash, available now on their BandCamp page!

Released just today, Parts Invisible is a 2-song EP of their newest material, Parts Invisible and Every King. I have had the pleasure of hearing the guys rip both of these tunes up live. And as good as they are live, they're every bit as good, if not better, in all of their digital glory!

Head over to their BandCamp page now for a free download and get to rocking!!

Oh yeah, while you're at it, the guys have also been nominated as New Act of the Year at the New England Music Awards. A vote or two (or more) from all of you would be greatly appreciated and I personally will be indebted to each and every one of YOU for helping Lit on the Flash get the credit they so deeply deserve!

Lit on the Flash bandCamp

New England Music Awards voting page

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Friday, February 8, 2013

In Air, 2-time AIM Best Alternative Artist

It is with great pleasure that I re-introduce you again, my faithful music lovers, to In Air, the now 2-time Artists in Music BEST ALTERNATIVE ARTIST!!!

For those of you not familiar with the Artists in Music Awards, they are a Los Angeles, CA based independent music awards association who honor independent artists is just about every musical category there is! At this year's ceremony, held just yesterday, In Air was once again named the Best Alternative Artist, an award based on both fan and judges voting.

I've been a fan of this band for what seems like forever, but in reality for just a couple of years (they were originally known as Nobody Gets Killed). They are one of my original indie favorites... one of the 5 or 6 indie artists that I give full credit to for giving me back music that means something and for giving us all hope for the future of the music industry.

With a new EP in the works, here's to hoping that 2013 is the year that the rest of the world finally realizes what both I and the Artists in Music Awards already know- that In Air is THE best alternative artist in the world of indie music! Congrats guys!!!

Make sure you tune in to some of the indie stations that feature the music of In Air. The links are on the right hand column of this very blog... hit up The Ultimate Jamz, KrankIt Radio, Butterflies Radio and KGUP 106.5 FM and tell them you want to hear MORE In Air music!!!

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Monday, February 4, 2013

12 Years Driven

How is everyone doing this Monday evening? You ready to discover some great new music? Then you've come to the right place once again!!!

Allow me to introduce you to Houston, Texas' own 12 Years Driven.

Metal music has never sounded so good...

Made up of Adam Simmons and Larry Gilstrap on guitars, Mark Powell on bass, Mark Sebren on drums & Robert Rice wrapping it all up with signature aggressive vocals, 12 Years Driven proves that all things in Texas are indeed bigger, especially alternative metal music!

Give them a listen and see for yourself how soon you'll become a fan!

Like 12 Years Driven on Facebook

Follow 12 Years Driven on Twitter

12 Years Driven ReverbNation page

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Good Saturday evening folks!

No, the title of this post is not a question of why. It's simply the name of one of Canada's hottest bands... WHY!

Coming to you from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, WHY is Dave Bergmuller, drums; Brian Cook, vocals and David Kuusselka, lead guitar. Already number 1 on the ReverbNation charts for Winnipeg, WHY brings you one of the finest examples of alternative rock out there today.

A particular item of note is to make sure you check out their ReverbNation page. Select songs are available for download with proceeds from each going to a very worthy charity, World Vision. Just another reason why the indie scene is where you need to be today... artists giving of themselves not just to music fans, but to those in need as well! Well done gentlemen!

Like WHY on Facebook

Follow WHY on Twitter 

Follow Brian Cook on Twitter

WHY ReverbNation page

WHY on SoundCloud

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.