
Friday, December 28, 2012

2012: MY year of indie music discovery

Hey everyone! Long time no blog... yet you still amaze me by sharing my humble little blog and continuing to read and come along on this amazing journey with me. I will forever be humbled and thankful to all of you for your continued support... artists and indie music fans alike!

I was asked the other day by one of my new Twitter friends @clindbeck to post a top 10 indie artist album list. I thought this was a very intriguing request, and as I was starting to figure out said list in my mind, I realized that there are soooooo many incredible artists that I've discovered just this year alone that there's no way I could possibly narrow that list down to just 10!

So what I'm going to do instead is give you a list of indie artists who's music I've discovered this past year. Actually, it's been over the past 2 years (roughly). My journey of indie music discovery actually started when I first found the music of David Gielan nearly 3 years ago... followed shortly thereafter by In Air (when they were known as Nobody Gets Killed), Mike Peralta and Lit On the Flash. 

For those of you who are new to my blog, the aforementioned artists form the core of my indie music support and are the original catalysts for this journey. Their talents have allowed me to once again enjoy music and look forward to turning my iPod on again! I have effectively given up on mainstream radio, save for the continued support that I give Ryan Star as a proud card carrying member of the #RStarArmy!

If you follow me on Twitter or frequent this blog, you can easily tell who I tend to throw the majority of my support behind. I am unashamedly loyal to Lit On the Flash, David Gielan, In Air, Mike Peralta, David Geftakys, Euphoria Audio, You Vs Me, Broken Romeo, When Particles Collide, Naked on Roller Skates, Rum Honey, Roadside, Dungaree Dogs NYC & Message to Venus. This is in no way a knock on any other indie artists out there... I will support you all in whatever way that I can. But what it boils down to is I'm a fan and I just happen to have my favorites :)

So, if you'd care to know who my favorite indie artists are and/or whom I've discovered over the course of this past year, start clicking on the links below and get ready to go on the most intense musical journey I can offer you!

And don't forget to check out my list (on the right side column of this blog) of my favorite internet indie radio stations. Their continued success depends on YOU!

Note: Most of these links are going to be to either BandCamp or Reverbnation pages. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE navigate each page, as there are multiple albums on BandCamp and multiple recordings on their ReverbNation pages... you DO NOT want to miss or skip A SINGLE album or single, trust me!

Lit On the Flash BandCamp

David Gielan ReverbNation

In Air-

David Geftakys -

Mike Peralta -

Euphoria Audio ReverbNation

You Vs Me

When Particles Collide -

Naked on Roller Skates -

Broken Romeo -

Dungaree Dogs NYC Facebook

Message to Venus -

Rum Honey ReverbNation

Evie - 


Jared Blake - 

Slam Cartel - 

Satellite Club Hotel -

Prospect Hill Reverbnation

Mother Leopard -

Zoey'z Fallacy - 

Nicki Kris - 

Echo and Drake -

Last Stand for Lucy -

Simpleton and Cityfolk ReverbNation

Jet W Lee -

The Verdict BandCamp

Melic -

Kingdom of Few -

The Static Cult BandCamp

Abby Holden -

Mariana Bell -

Poor Yorick -

Lorelei Carlson -

Harbinger -

The Last Ones ReverbNation

Stone Kings - 

The VeraGroove Facebook 

Hutch Heelan - 

Stars in Stereo - 

Aylin Eser ReverbNation 

Devastator BandCamp 

The Sun Pilots - 

Drop Dead Pin-Ups ReverbNation

Mayweather Facebook

Breathing Theory -

The Well Reds -

3 Pill Morning Facebook

Winchester Rebels -

Natalie Gelman -

Official Response Facebook

So, there you have it... my top 10 list of indie artists! See why I said it would be nearly impossible to come up with a top 10 list? To any indie artist who may be following me on Twitter who I didn't mention in this post, I sincerely apologize. Please Tweet me and I will right any wrong that needs to be! There are soooo many of you who have reached out to me since I've started this blog. I promise, your time is coming!!!

And to my fellow indie music supporters from Twitter, @crazyforjensen, @tanja_love, @clindbeck and @magicgritz, thank you all so much for being a part of this with me. Each and every one of you holds a special place with me. I couldn't have gotten this far without your continued support and encourgement.

And to ALL of the indie artists that I've had the pleasure of discovering, THANK YOU for giving us back REAL music!

NOTE: When you begin to discover these insanely talented artists, you'll notice that on their BandCamp and ReverbNation pages, they tend to offer a lot of their music for free. Please, please, please, please... when you can, please help and support these artists by purchasing their music. Being an indie artist means that you are not signed to a major record label. You are either out there on your own or signed to an indie record label... and recording and releasing music does not come cheap! So please, if you find something you like, search for them on iTunes or Amazon or look for their music on any number of other online outlets, such as CdBaby.

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New EP from Lit On the Flash!

Hey everyone! Back again with more great new music from my favorite band of Maine indie rockers, Lit On the Flash!

Like any good fan would do, I was perusing the band's BandCamp page and probably stumbled upon this just as they released it. Talk about timing!

Without further ado, I share with you Going to Jail, the new EP from Lit On the Flash!!!

These are 3 tracks that I've had the pleasure of enjoying time and again at their live shows... which, if you follow me on Twitter, you know I've been to quite a few! Hope you all enjoy them as much as I do... and make sure you head over to their BandCamp page to download this and all of their music... NOW!!!

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Games We Play from David Geftakys is here!

Happy Tuesday everyone! What makes this Tuesday any better than any other Tuesday you ask? Well, just read the title of this blog again, because it's finally here...... the long awaited debut album from David Geftakys!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time you got on board with #TeamDG and discover what I already know... this guy is going to be a superstar!

Debuting two new singles, And You and Crossroad Empires, along side favorites like Games We Play, Say It All and Remembering How to Smile, David takes us on a musical journey of love and hope. Ripe with powerful pop hooks and searing guitar riffs showcasing his rocker side (on the tracks Stellar Phoenix and Castaway), this album is poised to take David soaring off into the musical stratosphere!

Do yourself and your earholes a favor and download this album NOW from the iTunes store:

David Geftakys - The Games We Play on iTunes 

While you're there, don't forget to pick up David's duet with another favorite of ours, David Gielan, You're Alive, destined itself to become an anthem for a new generation of music lovers!

Please continue to support this insanely talented singer/songwriter. Share his videos, buy his music... you'll be glad you did!

David, it's been an absolute pleasure being along with you on this journey to The Games We Play. My support for you will never end my friend!

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sunday evening metal courtesy of Ashes of Abaddon!

How can I possibly come up with a witty intro to this? All I can say is, all you metal head fuckers better thank my partner in crime Nora (@crazyforjensen on Twitter) for this one...

One word of warning to you: BEFORE you start this, you better check the volume on whatever it is you're listening to it on. Ashes of Abaddon are about to make your ears scream for mercy... and trust me, that's a good thing!!!

Without further ado, hailing from Boise, Idaho, here comes the metal heaven from Ashes of Abaddon!

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.

New music from Aylin Eser!

Hello out there! Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend. How about some new music from another amazing indie artist?

Today I introduce you to Aylin Eser.

Hailing from Melbourne, Australia, Aylin brings the entire package to the table. Soaring vocals, thought provoking lyrics... tied together neatly by band mate and producer Will Larsen, Aylin gives us what is missing from nearly every female artist on mainstream radio today... originality. It's easy to be a pretty face and let someone work their magic behind the scenes to make the voice match the look. Not the case here.

I don't think there's a lyric around that wouldn't benefit from being sung by Aylin Eser. Find out for yourself and download her new EP, Arrows of Desire, from iTunes today. My ears are glad that I did... yours will too!

The essential Aylin Eser links:

Like Aylin Eser on Facebook

Follow Aylin Eser on Twitter

Aylin Eser on ReverbNation

Aylin Eser on SoundCloud

The Aylin Eser YouTube channel

Aylin Eser on iTunes

Support unsigned artists... give indie music a chance.